Sunday, October 28, 2012

iPad Love

We finally got an iPad. It is wonderful. And as I imagined it rules for learning and exploring.

S-Boy loves the Google Earth app. He lives to think of locations or landmarks he knows and then have the app find them. The U.S. Capitol building, Cleveland Browns Stadium, and the wreck of the Titanic are just a few of his searches. The app "flies" from one place to another and swoops in very dramatically.

He is also playing "Smurfs Village." He plants vegetables and fruits and then harvests them for coins and points. He uses his coins and points to buy houses, more Smurfs, tools, etc. All in an effort to build a thriving village. The game has a reading component (directions, quests), math component (How many coins do I need for X? How many hours until my raspberries are ready?) and most importantly a fun component. G-Lo enjoys similar games like "Fashion Story" and "Bakery Story."

We play other fun games like "Ticket to Ride" and "Minecraft." I've been trying to restrain myself from buying a ton of new apps every day. It is hard!

I like blogging from the iPad. : )

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad