Friday, August 24, 2012

Another Blog?

People will think I have a lot of free time. I have another blog that I used to record our home education path last year. I decided I need a new place because I am going in a completely different direction. This will be more about our life as we tiptoe (DIVE!)  into LIFE LEARNING. Also known as "unschooling" which is a strange and word that doesn't tell exactly what something is rather what it isn't which I find a little awkward.  I'll do a post on the "whys" and "hows" soon. As soon as I get them straight - this is a work in progress. For now I will say that my philosophy starts with the simple idea of saying "yes" as much as I possibly can. It is a paradigm shift because I have been a "no" parent forever. The "whys" of that are (again) another post but I will say that since I say "yes" most of the time we are a more peaceful and content family which is something the culture of "no" never gave us.